How to Look at


Finishing this mini course will provide you with insights into the subtle aspects of art appreciation, sharpening your critical eye. Your perception will be enhanced. You will be able to walk into an art gallery with confidence.

You will be exposed to how others look at artwork and glean valuable awareness. As you journal through this lesson, your own eye will improve.

Even when you find a piece challenging, you’ll be able to see with a more refined vision. Examine how others look at art and photography to develop your own art critic approach.


  • Look at art through the eyes of a child.

  • How an acclaimed art critic approaches art.

  • Overanalyzing a piece to develop deeper appreciation.

  • Finding the elements of design in any work.

  • Practice your new understanding.

✓ Learn art appreciation
✓ Gain visual literacy
✓ Critical thinking skills
✓ Improve communication
✓ Personal development