Paul R.

Who I am: Husband, father, grandfather. I am also owned by two crazy Jack Russell Terriers. Electrician by trade, facilities professional by career. Want-to-be creative photographer with the good fortune of meeting Molly and diving into PhotoJam. I love to be outside, especially on or near the water. Sunrise and sunset are my favorite jam.

In my camera bag: Canon 5D MarkIV, 24-70mm f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, 100mm f2.8 Macro, 50mm f1.4, Samsung S23.

I dial in from Lancaster, PA

My first submission to Photo Jam: Great Pond, Maine is my happy place! Relaxing on the deck, or turning in for the night, there is nothing as amazing and beautiful as the cry of the loons echoing across the lake.

Joined: January, 2021

A photo I feel best represents my visual voice: A sunrise over the water is a period of peace, a fresh start, and endless possibilities. I have run 10 feet in a marathon of discovery. I hope that the photo that “represents” me will be constantly changing as i continue to grow and learn how to see and capture the world.


PhotoJam was the push I needed to go from the family photographer, to the world of creative photography. By carrying my camera, I started to see so much more of the world that I previously walked through unaware. While I am learning the technical side of my equipment all the time, more importantly, I am learning to see, and to see in different ways. Night lighting in the city, early morning and late evening light with its hard angles and shadows, are great ways to see nature and architecture. The always positive and supportive environment of PhotoJam is the power that makes learning and growing fun. It is a community that encourages and inspires personal growth. Molly has the ticket for anyone looking to expand their skills, with a smile!

To purchase prints: email


Joan J.


John E.